Harryhausen nominations in Rondo Awards 2021

Ray Harryhausen: Titan of Cinema book nominated in The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards 2021.
We are delighted that Vanessa Harryhausen’s book has been nominated in this year’s Rondo Awards, alongside a number of our other projects from Ray’s centenary year.
Please cast your vote within the following four categories by emailing taraco@aol.com by Sunday April 25th 2021:
11) BOOK OF THE YEAR:- RAY HARRYHAUSEN, Titan of Cinema, by Vanessa Harryhausen
14) BEST ARTICLE:- Dynamation Man of the Century,’ by Mark Mawston, Scary Monsters Magazine – The Real Monster Magazine #119 (featuring contributions from Vanessa Harryhausen, John Walsh & Connor Heaney alongside John Landis, John Carpenter & many more)
19) BEST MULTI-MEDIA SITE (Podcasts, video):- The Ray Harryhausen Podcast
20) BEST VIRTUAL EVENTS OF 2020:- — CELEBRATING RAY HARRYHAUSEN AT 100: Online events included global chat during Jason & Argonauts, fan survey of his top creatures, panel discussions.
Thank you all for helping us to preserve and promote Ray Harryhausen’s legacy for future generations!
Categories: Announcements